Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hypertext Narrative

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It all started like this.

Congratulation, you have finish your final year of High School. You know you want to become a policeman but you have to choose you college. Choice 1: You decide to go to Ahuntsic College in police technology to Scene 1 Choice 2: you decide to go to John abbot in police technology to Scene 23 Choice 3: You decide to go to the private college in Quebec in police technology to Scene 45

Scene 1.

You decided to go to the French College, Ahuntsic. You have to decide if you want to work hard or not. Choice 1: You aren't accepted at Nicolet to Scene 2 Choice 2: You are accepted the first time to Scene 9 Choice 3: You are finally accepted after 2 times to Scene 16

Scene 2.

Sorry, your marks are not good enough, you can't go to Nicolet and you can't become a police any more. You find a job at Tim Horton. Choice 1: You become a member of a street gang to Scene 3 Choice 2: You meet a man who is going to Africa for an internship to Scene 6

Scene 3.

You become a member of a street gang. You are exausthed of working in Tim Horton because you don't earn a lot of money. A friend you have loose after graduating invites you to his meeting with the gang. Choice 1: You stop stealing to Scene 4 Choice 2: You continue to steal to Scene 5

Scene 4.

You decide to steal a lot and become very professionnel and rich. Start again: Finally you stop doing criminal actions and stay rich for the rest of your life.

Scene 5.

You were so horrible in stealing that the police arrest you. Start again: You finish your life in jail.

Scene 6.

At your temporary job in Tim Horton, you fall in love with a man, you are is trainee. He is going to Africa for an internship and He invites you. Choice 1: You decide to stay in south Africa to Scene 7 Choice 2: You decide to go visit other Africa's country to Scene 8

Scene 7.

After you finish your internship, you decide to marry this man and stay live in Africa. Start again: You find a police officer job in south Africa and have a good life.

Scene 8.

You go visit other country in west Africa. Start again: You get Ebola and died in Africa.

Scene 9.

You are a straight A's at school and are accepted at Nicolet. Choice 1: You decide to get married to Scene 10 Choice 2: You decide to accept the job in city center at Montreal to Scene 13

Scene 10.

You get married with your boyfriend from High School, after you accepted a job in the SPVM. Choice 1: You realize your life is very busy with your husband, your career, and your 5 kids to Scene 11 Choice 2: You get divorced after many years to Scene 12

Scene 11.

You can't deal any more with your 5 kids, your work schedule and your husband schedule. Start again: You start drinking a lot to forget you never have time for relaxing and you become an alcoolique.

Scene 12.

You get divorced and start feeling good. Start again: You accept a vacant position in the investigator sector and have a great carreer.

Scene 13.

You accept your dream job in a city center, but you get involved in a scandal. Choice 1: You try to explain the situation to the media to Scene 14 Choice 2: You turn back to the camera to Scene 15

Scene 14.

You become exhausting of being accused and quit your job. Start again: You have spend all your money in the courtroom defending yourself so you become an itinerant.

Scene 15.

You decide continue working normally, but you don't realize you lost a lot of friends. Start again: You start depressing and there is a miracle, you win lotto

Scene 16.

You are accepted at Nicolet the second time you apply. All your friends work and you don't have a job. Choice 1: You have a car accident to Scene 17 Choice 2: You receive a letter from the SPVM to Scene 20

Scene 17.

You are with a friend when someone hit your car. It is a very big car accident and you lost a leg. You can't become a police any more. Choice 1: You become depressive to Scene 18 Choice 2: You have a lot of friends and family to support you to Scene 19

Scene 18.

You decide you can't deal with your life, you don't have any futur. Start again: You kill yourself.

Scene 19.

Your family circle help you a lot. You always love sport and you start training yourself for the Paralympics games. Start again: You win a silver medal at the Paralympics games.

Scene 20.

You take a vacant position at the SPVM and start working like you always want. Choice 1: You arrest a suspect car to Scene 21 Choice 2: You meet a colleague to Scene 22

Scene 21.

You investigate the vehicle and found it is one of your enemies in High School. Start again: He has a gun and shoot you.

Scene 22.

You meet a colleague outside of the work and you are interest on him. Start again: You move in with him and get a pretty good life.


Scene 23.

You choose to go to John abbot in police technology. It is an English College and because you are not good enough in French you will not be able to work for the SQ. Choice 1: You want to become a national police in GRC to Scene 24 Choice 2: You decide to live your dream and go work in USA to pursue criminal to Scene 31 Choice 3: After your second session you decide to become a security guard to Scene 38

Scene 24.

Congratulation! You are accepted in GRC. You work hard and rarely see your family. Choice 1: You become the president of GRC to Scene 25 Choice 2: You go on a mission in the big mountain in whistler to Scene 28

Scene 25.

You work very hard, you arrest so many criminals, you rise quickly in the GRC and become the president of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Choice 1: You have a family accident to Scene 26 Choice 2: You travel a lot around the world to Scene 27

Scene 26.

The 25th of December you are going at your parents house, there is a big snow storm and you have an accident. Start again: Your two little kids you and your husband died in the snow.

Scene 27.

You have so much money and you don't know what to do with. Start again: You decide to travel around the world with your husband. You almost go in each country.

Scene 28.

You go on a mission in the whistler's mountain. You are with your partner and you have to localise in helicopter two suspects. Choice 1: You go down on the ground to Scene 29 Choice 2: You decide to give up to Scene 30

Scene 29.

You localise the two bodies and decide to go see if they are alive. You go down with the helicopter and when you touch the ground it start shaking. Start again: There is an avalanche coming and you get killed.

Scene 30.

You find the two guys, they write SOS in the snow because they prefer to be saved than killed by avalanche. You go arrest them carefully Start again: You finally put hand cuffs around their wrist and bring them to the police station.

Scene 31.

You choose to stop to go to school to become a security guard in a secondary school. Choice 1: You save Bill Gates' daughter to Scene 32 Choice 2: You travel to Asia to Scene 35

Scene 32.

Her little girl is in trouble, she is a victim of sexual harassment. After the school you see two boys start who are aggressive with her. They want to do a sexual assault. You save the little girl, and she start crying. She wants you to tell his father what happen. Choice 1: You go to tell the story at the direction to Scene 33 Choice 2: You said nothing to Scene 34

Scene 33.

You tell the direction and they tell the story to the rich men. Start again: He gave you 2 millions.

Scene 34.

You get fired because these little boys killed Bill Gates' daughter. Start again: You go to jail.

Scene 35.

In your vacations, you decide to travel to Asia. Because you don't have a lot of money, you sleep in very basic hotel. Choice 1: You eat something weird to Scene 36 Choice 2: You go see the wild animals to Scene 37

Scene 36.

In the hotel, you eat breakfast and start feeling sick. Start again: Two days later, you died.

Scene 37.

You decided you want to go see the animals. You buy a guided tour. A tiger looks at you and you approach it. Start again: It jumps at you and kills you.

Scene 38.

You always have the dream to go work in USA. You get accepted in the NYPD Choice 1: You save someone from the fire to Scene 39 Choice 2: You get a call for a shooting in a college to Scene 42

Scene 39.

You receive a call for a fire. You go in the house and bring back the old guy. Choice 1: You became an actor to Scene 40 Choice 2: The man wants to thank you to Scene 41

Scene 40.

The media see you saving the old guy and a TV productor came to see you. Start again: He offers you a job for a police actor in Hollywood. You accept.

Scene 41.

You are very lucky, the old man don't have any family and he signs paper that he will give you his heritage. Start again: He died two years later and you became rich because this guy was a president of a big company.

Scene 42.

You get into the school and try to find the shooter. You see two adolescent dead in the floor and you think about yours. Choice 1: You find the murder to Scene 43 Choice 2: You continue to search to Scene 44

Scene 43.

You find the murder and he aims you Start again: You start to talk with him and try to stop him but he shoots you.

Scene 44.

You continue to serach the murder. You see other adolescents who are very injured, they are crying and screaming. Start again: You see too horrible things. You suicide yourself with your service weapon.


Scene 45.

You are accepted at Quebec private College. You work hard and achieve your dream. Choice 1: You want to work in the SQ to Scene 46 Choice 2: You are hire in the National City, Québec to Scene 53 Choice 3: The only place you are accepted, is in the SQ in the north Québec to Scene 60

Scene 46.

You are very lucky, you get a job in SQ close to your home town. You are the happiest in the world because you get the job you always want. Choice 1: A morning you decide you want to go in the tactic squad to Scene 47 Choice 2: You decide to stay in the patrol job with your best partner to Scene 50

Scene 47.

Your new job is what you always want. You train a lot, make new friends. You have the career everybody wants, you see a lot of action, you don't regret your choice. Choice 1: You took your retirement because you have a little accident with a bomb explosif to Scene 48 Choice 2: You quit the escouade after a great career but continue to work in the office to Scene 49

Scene 48.

You get an accident with your partner, he died. Your doctor found a cancer in your stomach. Start again: You start dying slowly with your family.

Scene 49.

You finally left the Police job at 55 years old. You and your husband took your retirement. Start again: You always want to get retired in another country. You went to Bahamas and finish your life there.

Scene 50.

You and your partner are best friend so you stay a patrol officer. You get an accident and you both survive. Except you have a trauma. Choice 1: You have to get your retirement to Scene 51 Choice 2: You shoul have a break before going back to work to Scene 52

Scene 51.

You get your retirement very soon because of your trauma. Start again: Two years later you get a heart attack.

Scene 52.

You decide to take the break the doctor recommend you. After the year of break, you return to work but in the office for the rest of your career. Start again: You get a good retirement because you take care of you after the accident.

Scene 53.

You accept the job in Quebec, you are a good working guy. You have a family and a pretty good life. Choice 1: You have a call for a potential bomb attack in a primary school to Scene 54 Choice 2: You get a call from the hospital to Scene 57

Scene 54.

A lot of police officers are going there but you and another car arrive fisrt. You have to go inside. Choice 1: You wait for the general call to Scene 55 Choice 2: You go in you want to save the children to Scene 56

Scene 55.

You wait and go inside, you save a lot of children and when the bomb explode there are no more student. Start again: You receive a medal for your bravery act.

Scene 56.

You are very stressed, you imagine your kids is in this school and go inside alone. You are hable to save a lot of kids but the bomb explode. Start again: You get very handicap, you aren't conscious any more.

Scene 57.

You receive a call from the hospital, you little 10 years old girl has an accident. Choice 1: She never wakes up to Scene 58 Choice 2: She wakes up, a couple of hours later to Scene 59

Scene 58.

Your only child never wake up. You have to let her go. Start again: You create a foundation to the honour of your little girl.

Scene 59.

She wakes up and she is confused. She is bleeding inside, Your daughter go in the operation room and died. Start again: You aren't able to live without her, you suicide yourself.

Scene 60.

You get a job in North Québec. Choice 1: there is a big snow storm and you get a call to Scene 61 Choice 2: You are going in vacation at Montreal to Scene 64

Scene 61.

You take a snow bike and go. You are very in a hurry and get an accident. Choice 1: You decide to wait for the emergency you call to Scene 62 Choice 2: You see a little light far off and decide to go to Scene 63

Scene 62.

You wait there too long, you are close to lost conscious you stand up and see a polar bear. Start again: It runs at you and kills you.

Scene 63.

You decided to go to the village. When you arrive, you lost conscious in the middle of the street. A man see you and bring you to his house. Start again: This Inuit save your life and you fall in love with.

Scene 64.

You see a baby roe deer alone on the top of the freeze lake. Suddenly the lake cracks. Choice 1: You go rescue him to Scene 65 Choice 2: You call your police station to Scene 66

Scene 65.

You take a rope you have in your car. Slowly you go in the ice and put the rope around his neck. Start again: You start to pull out the deer but you fall in the water.

Scene 66.

You wait for them and you try to pull out the little baby. It was a success but the deer need a lot of treatments. Start again: Finally you receive a call from the organisation of the SQ emission. You are a celebrity in the emission.


Hypertext narrative template for digital ESL literacy
This hypertext narrative fiction template was developed by Bokomaru Publications and checked for common ESL grammar errors using an online ESL grammar checker and checked for field-related vocabulary using an b-block ESL vocabulary checker.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Summarize on Guy Turcotte's trial

The police technology program is a very interesting program where you learn how to become a good policeman. Not everyone is aloud to become a cop, policemen work with a lot of stress and pressure. Before you apply you should know that in police work you will see some horrible situations. Also this profession could be extremely difficult emotionally. In this next paragraph, I summarize an article on the Guy Turcotte's trial and it talks about the police jobs when they came inside the house and discover. I chose this article because these two kid killed might be something we will see in our career.

In this article, it talk about the second trial of Guy Turcotte. In 2009 he killed his two kids, his 5 years old son and his 3 years old daughter. He was found not criminally responsible in 2011 and now there we are trying to accuse him. This article has a section about the two police who discover the kids death. They had to testify more than one time about the horrible things they see this day. The police broke a window because all the doors were locked. Then, they ear a sound on the second floor they go up and discover the two kids in their bedroom. They found two knife, one in the bathroom and the other in the boy's room. The article also revealed that children where both stabbed 46 times. There were a lot of photos shown by the jury and the article says that the cardiologist turned back to them. This event must have been difficult for the family, especially the mother, Guy Turcotte's ex-wife. Moreover, they have to listen to and testify a second time. At the end, the judge said to the jury they must be concentrated on what happen in the courtroom to judge M. Turcotte the right way even if it takes minimum three months. Finally, an article related to this one explains that Turcotte before the crime recently happen his wife was having an affair and he leaves permanently the house. So, it could explain the deaths of the children, he may have wanted a revenge.


Checked and revised with the help of the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Police Technology Glossary

Criminal : A person charged with and convicted of crime.

Discretionary power : A power that police office have that allows them to remain silence.

Drug : Illegal chemical substance that changes the state of a normal person, which often creates a dependency.

Handcuffs : A pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists.

Hit-and-run : Denoting or relating to a motor accident in which the vehicle involved does not stop.   

Hostage : A person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.

Jail : Where criminals go to serve their sentences.

Nightstick : A police officers club or billy.

Police Academy :  An academy for training police officers.

Punishment : The fact of being punished, as for an offense or fault.

Suspect : Somebody whom we suspect of having made a crime.

Vandalism : Deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage to property.

Victim : A victim is a person who undergoes a crime.

Youth : A person under the age of 18.

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Monday, October 12, 2015

How to apply for a police officer job


In Quebec we have two level of police. The provincial police, the Sûreté du Québec, and many municipalities. This website is about the SPVM, Montreal's police. They are a very important organization in Quebec and policemen has a lot of responsibilities because of the population numbers: 1,981,672 residents. The police are place in different area for public safety. There are 33 police stations (PDQ) in all Montreal. So, in this website the Montreal population can have access for different actions, they can report an event, there is a section for the news, for child, for senior, there is a section for the jobs offer and several things we will see in the next video. 

How to use the SPVM to apply for police officer.

In this video, I will do a walkthrough demonstrating how to apply on SPVM.
Checked and revised with the help of the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker

Thursday, September 10, 2015

3 Good Reasons to Become a Cop

There are a lot of professions in our world. Some are easy to obtain, others need very good marks or good physical condition, some are very well paid and others not. There are many different jobs and each one is for specific person. Not everyone is aloud for every job, they are select and choose among a lot of students. This job needs very specifics kind of person. They should be able to empathize, help society, and be equitable. This listicle is about policemen life. Every job has pros and cons, there are the 3 best reasons to become a cop.

1. The unknown part

First of all, the unknown part of the job is extremely attractive. Imagine, not knowing what is about to happen in the next hour or the next day. In this profession, the police are looking for a specific feeling, and it's called: adrenaline. Never knowing what they will discover when they're called procures intense adrenaline because they can receive a call for a neighbour fight and then discover a murder. This job is never humdrum, policeman never became bored. 

2.  The power 

Second of all, every cop likes to be powerful. It is fascinating and very exciting to have the authority to make people respect the laws. This is the coolest part, when they can make people respect them. Putting handcuffs around a criminal wrist his probably a very satisfying feeling. Also, the fact that they represent the government is a lot of pressure and they need this power to act properly. They are constantly looked at and they have to be perfect. The power for them is to practice their profession correctly.

3. The honorable part

Third of all, it is very rewarding to be thanked by someone you saved. Policemen become models for our society and they can be proud of themselves. They capture criminals, they go on the opposite side of the crowd and they help people. When they feel danger, citizens quit but the cops have to stay, stand to defend people and fight for the humanity. They should be more respected by the population, they are important, we need them to control the criminality. To conclude, it is a dangerous profession, and they do give their life for others. They deserve gratitude.

Ottawa Remembrance Day ceremonies - 17.jpg


Finally, the police job is very impressive, and full of experiences. This profession contains a lot of positive characteristics and beneficial effects. In this job, policeman arrest criminals,  but above all they help the communities. There are a lot of good reasons to become a policeman, the unknown part, the power they can exercise, the honorable part and many others motive. This job can be very stressful but it’s not affecting the awesome part of this job: justice.

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 September 2015, 08:16 AM

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pronounce this

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Adapted code based on Jason Mayes' example here: Click the HTML button of your blog, and copy/paste the code found here. I checked this blog post for common grammar, punctuation and spelling errors using a free online ESL grammar checker.